Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dying Vultures

Today I was talking to some environmentalist about the decling population of Vulture's in Delhi.A surprising fact came to notice that that there population is dwindling mainly because of unethical practices used by human beings.Rampant use of antiinflamatory drugs which has diclofenac in it by vetenerians to releive the pain of old aged cattles is the main reason.If these cattles caracss is consumed by vultures it creates a dehydration and ultimately resulting in kidney failure. Just consume this fact that two decades ago the poulation was more than 80 million reduced to not more than 4000 today.Now IUCN(International Union of Conservation of Nature) has listed these as endangered species.It is same like Tiger and one horned Rhino.It is a dangerous sign for declining population of scavengers.Who is going to clear the dead caracass of animals?The whole eco-cycle is going to get affected.It will lead to increase in the poulation of dogs who feed on dead animals making them more ferocious and spread of rabies.Now the floods in major north indian states large population of cattle had been dead and caracass of animals unattended.This has all the reasons for outbreak of epidemic pollution of waters,a long lasting stench of livestock caracass making life unbearable.

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